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Document Imaging Solutions

are our Core Focus

Document imaging solutions are the heart and soul of Archives. They play an important part in paving the way towards a paperless office and safeguarding the environment.

Our cutting-edge software converts paper documents into digital solutions, while shredding and recycling the original ones.

Document management systems are efficient in reducing paper-storage requirements and creating more office space. They also streamline the workflow, ultimately easing the management of documents.

The System

Customise your business with a system

Find the digital solution that is right for your business.


Find the perfect system for your business!

We offer a variety of digital solutions that work for any organisation.

Carlo Stivala

Co-Founder & CEO

Reinhard Bayer

Co-Founder, Chairman & Technical Director

Kumpanija ġdida fil-qasam diġitali tiftaħ f'Malta

Il-kumpanija Archives International, li topera fil-qasam diġitali, fetħet il-bibien tagħha f'pajjiżna b'investiment ta tliett mitt elf ewro. Il-kumpanija l-ġdida ssieħbet ma' kumpanija oħra, Info Scan, waħda mill-ikbar kumpaniji fil-Ġermanja bi ħmistax-il sena esperjenza fil-qasam diġitali...

Yes you can get rid of your files - Carlo Stivala

Daya Camillieri Clarke met with leading CEO Carlo Stivala from Archives International, to find out more about his innovative company...

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Find Us

Unit 1140, Korradino Business Incubation Centre, Korradino Industrial Estate, Paola, PLA 3000 Malta

Office Telephone: +356 2180 6040
Mobile: +356 9999 0914

Mail: c.stivala@archives-international.com
Inquiries: info@archives-international.com

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m to 5 p.m